Children's Corner

Baldwin Heights | 821 W Oak St.
(616) 225-1000 ext. 8520
Cedar Crest Elementary | 601 Maple St.
(616) 225-1000 ext. 8613
Lincoln Heights | 12420 Lincoln Lake Rd.
(616) 225-1000 ext. 8839
Walnut Hills | 712 N Walnut St.
(616) 225-1000 ext. 8700
Children's Corner
Please contact Venus Cox, Director, at (616) 225-1000 ext. 8700 or
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Licensed school-age child care and 3 year old preschool program(s) offered by Greenville Public Schools
Mission Statement
The staff of Children's Corner will provide a safe, nurturing and fun environment where children can feel comfortable and loved, and can learn to be responsible, self-confident, and respectful citizens.
What is Children's Corner?
The Greenville Public Schools' Children's Corner is a licensed school-age child-care program for elementary children ages 3-12. Children's Corner is located at all four district elementary schools.
Provide a quality program supervised by professional and trained adults at a reasonable cost.
Provide a safe, enriching environment.
Allow children to have freedom to participate in age-appropriate activities.
Hours of Operation
Children's Corner is open Monday-Friday. The morning session runs from 6:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. The afternoon session runs from 3:45 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. The Junior Jackets Program runs from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (this PRESCHOOL program is housed at Cedar Crest Elementary). During the summer Children's Corner is open 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Parents must pick up their children no later than 6:00 p.m.
Children's Corner operates during the school year, and is open during school days, in-service days, parent/teacher conferences, fog delays, etc. It is open during the summer months. Children's Corner is closed during major holidays.
Service | Cost |
Before school child care | $10.00 per child, per day |
After school child care | $10.00 per child, per day |
Full day | $35.00 per child, per day |
Snow day | $35.00 per child, per day |
After 1/2 day of school | $15.00 per child, per day |
Preschool with before and after school child care | $35.00 per child, per day |
Preschool without before and after school child care | $30.00 per child, per day |
Family discount | Discount of $5.00 per child, per day |
Registration fee (before August 1) | $30.00 per child |
Late registration fee (after August 1) | $40.00 per child |
Late pickup fee | $15.00 per each 15 minute increment late |
Late payment fee | $15.00 per week after payment is due |
Due to new licensing regulations, we are unable to accept your children in our care unless they are signed in. If you will be picking your child up before 4:00 and do not want to pay childcare costs, you need to make other arrangements.
Junior Jackets Preschool Program
Children's Corner is open from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. During the day we offer daycare for children 3-5 years of age from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at Cedar Crest Elementary.
We offer an educationally enriched preschool and kindergarten readiness program. We introduce Zoophonics and Writing Without Tears.
We present new concepts through dramatic play, music expression, language development games, large and small motor movements, multi-skills room, social interaction, manipulatives (unifix cubes, Legos, blocks, puzzles, rice/water table), art creations, outside play and free play.
We encourage conflict resolution, decision making, job responsibility, listening skills, positive attitudes.
We center our curriculum around age appropriate activities encompassing all areas of development: social, emotional, physical and cognitive.
We visit the library and the computer lab once a week. We use the gym and motor skills daily.
Who may use Children's Corner?
The Children's Corner is open to all Greenville Public School District students ages 3-12. There are a limited number of openings and a waiting list will be maintained.
How to apply?
You must complete the collaborative application and someone from the program will contact you. If you have any questions contact Director Venus Cox 616-225-1000 x 8700 or