Greenville Public Schools has a new superintendent - Mr. Wayne Roedel and we are hosting several "Meet & Greet" opportunities starting next week. All meet & greets are open to the public - anyone can attend any session that works in their schedule. Vist for more information.
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Meet the new GPS Superintendent
Reminder! Half day on Wednesday, November 2. Elementary release: 11:50am GMS release: 10:30am GHS release: 10:35am
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
half day
On May 3, 2022, the Greenville community had the opportunity to vote on a $45,230,000 school bond proposal with an expected net tax rate decrease. This bond proposal was based on 18 months of planning and review of district needs by the Board of Education and community input, including public meetings and a community survey. That bond proposal failed, with 1,662 residents voting no and 1,660 residents voting yes. Greenville Public Schools values your feedback and seeks your input as we look to provide the best opportunities for our students and plan for the future of our school district. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions regarding the future needs of the district. All responses are anonymous and will be reviewed by district administration and the Board of Education. This survey will close at midnight on Monday, November 7, 2022. Thank you in advance!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
GPS Community Survey
Kristyn from Frugthaven Farm donated some beautiful mums to our Central Services Facility! Our front entrance is officially looking like fall.
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Congratulations to the local districts, and schools that are demonstrating strong outcomes and/or making progress related to meeting the needs of each and every learner through a multi-tiered framework (MTSS). So proud our our GPS team!
about 2 years ago, Greenville News
MTSS Badge
MTSS Badge
On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, Greenville Public Schools had a presentation by Dr. Tim Bartik on how high-quality early childhood education can not only benefit child participants and their parents but can also have "spillover benefits" for all local residents.
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
GPS Early Childhood Education Presentation
Greenville High School MiCi students took the dance floor by storm recently at a Halloween bash! Teachers Mr. Ferguson, Mrs, Gunderson and Director of Student Services Allyson Bradley had just as much fun as the students!
about 2 years ago, Greenville News
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022, at 7:00pm at the Central Services Facility (1414 Chase Street, Greenville) for the purpose of FOIA business and any other business necessary. There will be a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 7:00pm at the Greenville High School Auditorium (111 N. Hillcrest Street, Greenville) for the purpose of an Early Childhood Education presentation and any other business necessary. For more information, visit
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Special Board Meeting
1/2 day today - Wednesday, October 19!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Half Day
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Half day reminder
Greenville Board of Education President Norice Rasmussen submitted her letter of resignation after serving on the board since 2007. Mrs. Rasmussen’s resignation is effective Tuesday, October 11, 2022. By law, board members must name a replacement no later than 30 days following the resignation. The Greenville Board of Education is seeking letters of interest for the vacant position. Letters of interest must be received no later than 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Visit for more information.
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Reminder - NO SCHOOL for GPS today (Monday, October 10, 2022). Happy Fall Break!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
NO SCHOOL - Monday, October 10, 2022
There will be two Board of Education Meetings on Monday, October 10, 2022. A Special Board of Education Meeting will begin at 5:45pm (for the purpose of student discipline hearings and any other business as necessary), and the Regular Board of Education Meeting will begin at 7:00pm. Both meetings will be held in the Central Services Facility (1414 Chase Street, Greenville).
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Board of Education
National Principals Month honors principals for their significant impact on the success and well-being of our nation’s students. Join us as we celebrate all principals throughout October. #ThankAPrincipal #JacketPride
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Don't Forget - NO SCHOOL for GPS on Monday, October 10, 2022. Happy Fall Break!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Don't Forget
Thank you, United Way!
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
United Way Donation
Greenville High School is now a MI HEARTSafe School. A HEARTSafe designation recognizes a school's efforts to prevent sudden cardiac death of the young (SCDY) by preparing for a cardiac emergency. Members of this school community know how to recognize the signs of a sudden cardiac arrest and respond quickly by calling 911 and using CPR and an automated external defibrillator (AED) until EMS arrives. Way to go! Read here for more information about the criteria to become a MI HEARTSafe School:
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
MI HEARTSafe School
Today (Wednesday, September 21) is a HALF DAY! GMS: 7:30-10:30am GHS: 7:35-10:35am GPS Elementary Schools: 8:50-11:50am
about 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
GPS Half Day Schedule
Special Education Parents & Guardians, you are invited to a Parent Advisory Committee Meeting on 9/20/22. Please see below for more information.
over 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Parent Advisory Meeting
over 2 years ago, Greenville Public Schools
Half day reminder