HALF DAY for ALL students today (Wednesday, March 1)! GMS release - 10:30am, GHS release - 10:35am & Elementary release - 11:50am.
CORRECTION...Please use the following temporary number for the GPS Transportation Department, 616.225.1000 ext. 8301. The previous number was incorrect.
Sorry for any confusion.
All GPS school buildings will have heat and power and will be open as scheduled for a half day today (3/1). Our Central Services Facility continues to be without power. This will impact your ability to call offices at CSF, including the Transportation Department. Buses will be running. If you need to contact the Transportation Department, please call the temporary Transportation dispatch number 616.754.9361. Please have your bus riders at their stop a little early. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Several GPS buildings are still without power, but Consumers Energy is working as quickly as possible to restore electricity and will be working through the night. If we need to cancel school due to continued electricity outages, the decision will be made tomorrow (Wednesday, March 1st) by 5:00am. Remember if there is school tomorrow, it is a scheduled half day for all students. Thank you for your patience.
Greenville Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday February 28, due to widespread power outages, including GPS facilities. This is a districtwide closure, including Children's Corner Childcare. There will be no virtual instruction. Stay safe and warm, Yellow Jackets!
Greenville Public Schools will be closed today, Monday, February 27, due to the incoming storm and potential for significant icing. Children's Corner childcare will be open. Stay safe and warm, Yellow Jackets!
Reminder...Wednesday (March 1st) will be a Half Day for ALL GPS Students!
Due to icy conditions Greenville Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 23. This is a full district closure. Stay safe and warm Yellow Jackets!
Thank you to our amazing bus drivers! We appreciate all you do!!
In an abundance of caution due to impending inclement weather, Greenville Public Schools will be closed on WEDNESDAY, February 22. Children's Corner daycare will be open.
In an abundance of caution due to impending inclement weather, Greenville Public Schools will be closed on Thursday, February 22. Children's Corner daycare will be open.
ParentVue/StudentVue is back up; we apologize for the extended downtime. Thank you for your patience and support as the GPS Tech Team worked with Edupoint (Synergy) to resolve the issue.
Happy Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL today (Monday, February 20, 2023)!
Due to icy roads, Greenville Public Schools will be closed on Friday, February 17. This will be a complete district closure, including Children's Corner and district offices. Stay safe and warm, Yellow Jackets!
Seniors define what success looks like to each of them by setting goals for graduation and beyond. They also engage in a delayed gratification activity with Mrs. Harrison.
REMINDER...There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 20, 2023.
HALF DAY for ALL students today (Wednesday, February 15)! GMS release - 10:30am, GHS release - 10:35am & Elementary release - 11:50am.
Please congratulate Greenville High School seniors Kailey Ingraham, Karlee Thompson, and Hudson Parker on qualifying for DECA Internationals for certification of the Jacket Depot School Based Enterprise! They will compete with their project in Orlando, Florida in late April.
Tenth-grade students continue building their resumes with Mrs. Butler. They also learn about the amazing opportunities to dual enroll or attend Montcalm Community College's Early College program.
Mrs. Butler met with 8th-grade students to continue developing their Educational Development Plans (EDP). Students identified soft skills they are currently using as middle school students and discussed how they are transferred in the workplace.