To honor the priority of mental health for our students as designated by a poll of stakeholders during the 21/22 school year, Greenville Public Schools has recommended the implementation of Navigate 360 (Michigan Cares) for grades 6-12. The social-emotional committee and champion teams comprised of mental health professionals and administrators have pre-selected and vetted specific topics to be covered for the 2022-2023 school year. Items to be taught support mental health via improving attitudes about self and others while decreasing emotional distress and risky behaviors. This material (lessons and videos) is available for public review at the Central Service Facility (1414 Chase St, Greenville, MI) on September 27th, 29th, and October 3rd from 7:30 am-7:30 pm. A feedback form will be available. In addition, families will be sent a handout before each lesson to partner with the learning of our students. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Ray, curriculum and pupil accounting assistant, at

Social Emotional Learning Board Recommendation
September 22, 2022