Greenville Public Schools
Michigan Leadership Institute
Superintendent Search
Press Release
August 25, 2022
The Greenville Public Schools Board of Education continues to move forward with the process of selecting a new Superintendent of Schools. Fifteen (15) educators submitted applications for the position. Applicants consisted of current superintendents, central office administrators, principals, and other educators. The Board completed a thorough review of the applications and has invited three educators to be interviewed.
The interviews will be held on Tuesday, August 30 and Wednesday, August 31. Interviews will take place at the Greenville Public Schools Central Services Facility, 1414 Chase Street, Greenville, Michigan. The public is welcome to attend.
The interview schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, August 30 -
5:30 pm: J. Erich Harmsen, Executive Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning, Grand Rapids Public Schools
7:00 pm: Brett Zuver, Superintendent, Grant Public Schools
Wednesday, August 31 -
5:30 pm: Wayne Roedel, Superintendent, Fowlerville Community Schools
Board President, Norice Rasmussen stated, “We were pleased with the interest demonstrated in our school district. The applicant pool has strong and quality candidates that may meet our needs and expectations. We are anxious to learn more about the candidates’ leadership abilities and what each candidate has to offer our students, staff, and community. The Board continues to value input from the public and encourages people to attend the interviews. It is our hope to have a new superintendent in place in early October.”
The superintendent search became necessary as Linda Van Houten announced her retirement after being employed by the district for 38 year and serving as an admirable Superintendent of Schools since 2015. Mrs. Van Houten continues to serve as Superintendent during the search process. The process has been facilitated by the Michigan Leadership Institute.