Please take Notice that there will be a meeting of the Board of Education of Greenville Public Schools, Montcalm, Kent, and Ionia Counties, Michigan.
At said meeting, the Board of Education will consider for approval its proposed State Aid Note (General Obligation - Limited Tax). The proposed State Aid Note (General Obligation - Limited Tax), if issued, will contain the limited tax full faith and credit pledge of Greenville Public Schools, Montcalm, Kent, and Ionia Counties, Michigan.
Date of Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2024
Places of Meeting: Central Services Facility, 1414 Chase Street, Greenville
Hour of Meeting: 7:00pm
Telephone Number of Principal Office of the Board of Education: 616-754-3686
Board Minutes are Located at the Principal Office of the Board of Education: 1414 Chase Street, Greenville