MyRideK-12 - Transportation App

Traversa MyRideK-12 is a parent app that allows parents to see students’ bus transportation information such as route number, AM pick up time, PM drop off time, and delay/route cancelation notifications. This app is the department's primary mode of communication with parents.

Ride 360

View instructions for how to set up your app after you have downloaded it HERE.

Traversa App for iPhone



Download from the App Store HERE.

Traversa  App for Android



Download from the Google Play Store HERE.

School Bus

Contact Us:

GPS Transportation Department
1414 Chase Street
Greenville, MI 48838
Phone: 616.754.3850

Tim Nielsen
Director of Transportation

Kathlene Kok
Administrative Assistant

Aline Goossen
Administrative Assistant

GPS Transportation

Meet the Transportation Team



Please see Transportation Policies below for more information.

Transportation Registration


The Transportation Department of Greenville Public Schools is committed to providing SAFE and EFFICIENT transportation services for approximately 2400 eligible riders.

Two-Tier System

We operate a "two-tier" system: Grades 6 through 12 and Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5. We cover approximately 2000 miles daily and make nearly 1,100 bus stops.

The department consists of 20 full-time and 8-10 part-time professional drivers. The Director is Tim Nielsen, the Administrative Assistants are Kathlene Kok and Aline Goossen, and the Mechanic is Mark Kimball. Our fleet consists of 28 buses, 2 cars, and 6 vans, along with maintenance trucks, vans, and various equipment. 

All drivers must have:

  • A commercial driver's license

  • Pre-employment Department of Transportation physical

  • Pre-employment drug test

  • Criminal background check

  • Fingerprint

  • Driver license record check

  • Mandatory Michigan Department of Education training

  • Secretary of State approved "third party" road test

  • Subject to random drug and alcohol testing

We pride ourselves on our well-maintained fleet that is inspected annually by the Michigan State Police inspectors.

Inclement weather, School delay or closing

The decision to close school is made cooperatively by the Superintendent and the Director of Transportation. Although not always an easy decision, school will remain open if road conditions are safe for bus travel. Parents have the option of keeping children home if they are concerned about weather conditions. When there is a delay or closing, please tune into the TV or Radio stations listed below for the most up-to-date information.

  • WOOD-TV 8

  • WZZM-TV 13

  • WXMI-TV 17

  • M-106.3 WGLM

  • GPS District School Website

  • GPS Facebook Page

  • GPS District Text Alerts

Address Information

  • If you need to change your address for any reason, you must first contact your child’s school office. If your address change requires a bus change, please complete a new Transportation Registration form.  All changes may take 72 hours to process; confirmation will be sent by email. 

Transportation Policies & General Bus Information

  • It is District Policy that students with bus service be waiting at their assigned bus stop, ready to board, five (5) minutes prior to their pick-up time.

  • All Preschool and Kindergarten students must have an adult waiting for them at the bus stop every day after school, or students will not be released from the bus.  This is for their protection and the department's safety.

  • Requests for transportation may take 72 hours to process. Once transportation is set in place, parents will receive an email confirmation with bus information.

  • It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to see that their child gets safely to and from the bus stop. The school district provides transportation as a non-mandated service and establishes placement of bus stops in accordance with the requirements of the law.

  • Once students enter Kindergarten, bus transportation is provided to elementary-age students as long as they attend the elementary school that is within the district they reside in.  We do not transport School of Choice and In-District Transfer students.

Appropriate Behavior on busses and at bus stops

Appropriate behavior on buses, and at bus stops, is expected by all passengers. Any behavior that distracts the driver is unacceptable:

  • Hitting, touching, swearing, possession of any tobacco substance, alcohol, bullying of any type, etc.

School bus transportation service is a privilege that will be taken away if any unacceptable behavior occurs.

  • 1st violation (unless severe) will result in a written warning.

  • 2nd violation (unless severe) will result in, a one (1) days suspension.

  • 3rd violation (unless severe) will result in, up to three (3) days suspension.

  • 4th violation (unless severe) will result in up to five (5) days suspension from all buses.

  • 5th violation (unless severe) will result in loss of transportation from all buses.

For reinstatement the parent(s) must contact the Transportation Dept. to arrange a hearing with the student, parent, Director of Transportation, and Assistant Superintendent.

Transportation service may or may not be reinstated.

In all cases, a copy of the notification must be signed by a parent/guardian and student and returned to the driver before the student may ride again.

Transportation Department Hours

When school is in session, the Transportation Department hours are 5:30 AM until 5:00 PM.  Our direct phone number is (616) 754-3850.

Public school bus operations are regulated by the Michigan Department of Education.

Bus transportation is provided as a non-mandated service (GPS Board Bylaws & Policies, Section 800 Operations, Code ag8600, B. Bus Conduct).

Greenville Public Schools:

We all live by these core values.......

Michigan Department of Education Frequently Asked Questions

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