Special Education

Birth to 3 Information

Are you concerned about your child's development but you don't know who to ask? Early On is the perfect place to go for help. Check out this video to learn more about how to make a referral and what happens next. Our early childhood providers can't wait to help you and your child grow and learn. Early On is a program provided through Montcalm Area ISD. Call 1-800-Early-On or visit 1800earlyon.org to learn more.


Your Greenville Early On Team is ready to serve you!

Continuum of Services

Greenville prides itself in providing a full continuum of services for all special education students. Greenville has a full diagnostic staff that conducts student evaluations and provides support services to students, teachers, and parents.

Typically, requests for individual student evaluations are generated through the building Child Study process when there is a question in regards to whether a student may have a disability that impedes or impacts the learning process.  For school or parent initiated referrals, signed parental permission is necessary, and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is conducted within 30 days of initial consent.  Greenville adheres to state and federal policies and laws.

Parent Handbook and Procedural Safeguards