Inspiring Excellence
Every Student, Every Day
Greenville Public Schools is committed to ensuring each student's individual needs are met by providing a quality educational experience full of opportunities that prepare students for the future. We believe every student has limitless potential, and through our core values of INTEGRITY, COMPASSION, COLLABORATION, and RESPONSIBILITY, we can unlock their unique gifts and talents. Whether you have an incoming kindergarten student or a student entering high school, we invite you to talk with us about how we can serve your family's educational needs.
Enhanced Safety and Security in all Buildings
State-of-the-Art Career and Technical Education
Dual Enrollment
Early College through Montcalm Community College (MCC)
Chinese Immersion
Online Learning
Achievement Scores above State, County, and Local Averages
Free Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten Options
Before and After-School Childcare
Over 75 Athletic Teams and Student Clubs
Award-Winning Performing Arts
Mission: As a cooperating partner of the community, Greenville Public Schools will assure all students the education necessary to participate as responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.